Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Since I probably won't post tomorrow, I thought I would tell you all some of the things I'm thankful for this Thanksgiving.

1. A wonderful, beautiful, caring, understanding, amazing wife who makes every day a happy and special one.

2. An awesome family that I love very much and whose company I enjoy.

3. Great friends that I can still keep in touch with even though they are hundreds or thousands of miles away.

4. Good health (even if my lower back hurts as I type this).

5. Notre Dame football.

6. A new job starting next week.

7. The anticipation of my first paycheck for that job (It's not that much, but it's more than I'm making at UWM).

8. The release of Scrubs Season 2 on DVD (which will be reviewed as soon as we get through it).

9. The first snowfall of the year, while I can still enjoy its beauty before it becomes a huge pain in the ass.

10. Our new stylish yet dependable Korean car.

11. My iPod, which will make my 90-minute commute much more bearable.

12. Turkey and mashed potatoes and rolls and overstuffing myself in true American style.

There is so much more for which I am thankful, but to list it all would take more time than I have. Suffice it to say that I am a lucky lucky man, and I have been blessed with more than I could ever deserve. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!


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