Tuesday, November 08, 2005

I took the political quiz at OKCupid, and I think it's a pretty thorough examination of one's political beliefs. They ask 42 questions, to which you respond Strongly Agree, Agree, Disagree, or Strongly Disagree. It covers a pretty exhaustive range of issues in what I thought was an interesting way. Instead of asking only issue-related questions, they added other random quesitons, such as "It should be legal for two consenting adults to challenge each other to a duel and fight a Death Match," and "Most people are too stupid to know what's best for them." The results come out on a two-dimensional scale where you recieve an economic score and a social score. My results are as follows:

You are a:
Social Moderate (50% permissive) and an...
Economic Conservative (76% permissive)

You are best described as a Capitalist.
You exhibit a very well-developed sense of Right and Wrong and believe in economic fairness.

My social score is probably a combination of my strong conservatism on abortion-related issues and my more general libertarian attitude on other social issues. And economically, I'm a pretty strong free-marketer, but I think we all knew that already.

Incidentally, Lauren graded out as a Totalitarian, which says more about our marriage than you could possibly know.

If you're so inclined, take the test. And if you do, let me know where you ended up.

I finished The Professor, the Banker, and the Suicide King today and I wholeheartedly recommend it, especially if you are a poker fan or player. You really get a good insight into the life and mentality of the professionals and how they respond when the stakes are raised to levels even they can't ignore. At one point in the game, they play heads up limit hold-em with bets of $100,000 and $200,000. Absolutely insane. As for the book, it is a quick read and a very interesting one.

I'm going to start on a biography of James Dean next. I don't know if I'll read the whole thing or not, but he's a compelling figure and I'm interested to learn more about him.

As for the lyric today, you can't have an angry rap compilation without including the legend 2Pac. He may not have invented the angry rapper image, but damn if he didn't come close to perfecting it. Out of so much angry rap to choose from, I decided to go with a less prominent song today:

"Mercy is for the weak when I speak I scream
Afraid to sleep I'm havin crazy dreams
Vivid pictures of my enemies' family times
God to forgive me cause it's wrong but I plan to die
Either take me in heaven and understand I was a G
Did the best I could, raised in insanity
Or send me to hell cause I ain't beggin' for my life
Ain't nothing worse than this cursed ass hopeless life
I'm troublesome..."


Anonymous Anonymous said...


I'm and Social Conservative (30% permissive) and an Economic Moderate (50% permissive) . . . which makes me a Fascist (and, amazingly enough, right in line with JP II . . .). Obviously, I'm not going to argue with such a brilliant conclusion, but I have a few problems with this quiz.

I took the quiz as a Hawkish Democrat (Do any still exist?), and the results came up Socially Liberal(75% Permissive) and Economic Liberal (0% Permissive) and pegged me as a Socialist. I don't know if that's the best categorization.

I also have problems with some of the wording. The Social Justice question is the prime example. I have a feeling that strongly agreeing with it makes you liberal, which leaves no place for people who think that Anglo-Saxon Capitalism is best way to get at a just society in this imperfect world.


11/09/2005 3:36 PM  

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