Wednesday, September 15, 2004

The tale of Joseph Smith, as told by Notre Dame professor George Marsden:

(Joseph) Smith taught, for instance, that there was more than one god and that the principal deity who ruled the universe had more than one body. Through direct revelations, Smith found resolutions to the competing religious claims of the day. He claimed that an angel led him to a set of inscribed golden tablets deposited in the fouth century A.D. by American Indian descendents of the lost tribes of Israel. Smith translated these tablets, which became the Book of Mormon, one of the bases for unique Mormon teachings... In 1844, Smith announced his candidacy for the president of the United States. He continued to have revelations and secretly taught that he and some other Mormon leaders were allowed to have several wives. Threatened with exposure (his own first wife apparently did not know of his other wives), Smith closed a dissident press... Smith and his brother were arrested, but an irate mob dragged them from jail and murdered them.

And so ends the tale of Joseph Smith.

Dum dum dum dum dummmmm.


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